HELLO! Dezzy here. We kind of abandoned this site but im gonna revive it! WOOHOO! I want to know some ideas to make this site better! So give me your ideas! YEAH!
Stay awesome,
once again my fellow inasitors. i am having my birthday party on the 23. anyone guess why thats such a special day even tho its 3 days bfore my actual birthday? anyone? anyone?
Dylan: I know
Me: Quiet u  wait i thought i loked u in the closet with interesting fang and Edward...\
Dylan: ya. they kicked me out. Something about not being good enuff. I was knocked out for most of it anway. Anyone else's legs ache?
Me: Okay ew. Anyway. Its the day HUNGER GAMES IS IN THEATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so of course thats what we are doing. probly gotta buy your own ticket. we havent decided that yet. so anyway. I will be sending out invataions. If you dont get one then too bad. U don't get to come to the movie and sit with us  haha. Anyway. Just thought id put that up here. Oh also I think i'm gonna start putting up my random poetry and crazy saying my dad says on the Fanfictions page. Just so u can see them. THey are also on FictionPress.com (sister site to FF.N) look up just plain pain like on my FF acount. Well thats all for now. Enjoy your insanity
Now the moment you've all been waiting for... THIS YEAR IS THE ApOcAlYpSe!!! Now there is only one thing to do. Vote for the next president before we all get wiped out by an atomic bomb. Our only choices are:
COCKROACHES- the guaranteed survivors of Armageddon!
EDWARD CULLEN- the indestructible twilight "vampire"!
FANG RIDE- the EXPERIENCED Armageddon preventor!
Check out this awesome song about the younger generation taking over and pushing the old people out! wahoo!! TEENAGE REBELION!!!\

Hey. Pain again
Dylan: And me

Me: No one cares Dylan!

Dylan: -look down-

Gaymo Iggy: -hugs dylan- i care Dyllie Poo!

Dylan: -tries to push him off- get off. I'm not gay

Gaymo Iggy: i think its time for us to come out of the closet

Dylan: we were never in the closet because there is no US!!

Gaymo iggy: -kisses Dylan's cheek- oh you know you love me!

Me: -snickers- -Dylan glares at her- -stops- sorry. I think its funny. Anyway. I am going to post my new fanfcition chapter (or POV) on the Fanfcition page

Stay weird,
        Just Plain Pain
Hey. It's me again. I know not many of us get on here anymore but i do and Dezzy does so i have some important news. I got a new page going: Fanfictions. under more. I posted my first FINISHED fanfic on there. its long but its good. well, i think it is. post and comment on this post about it. tell me what you think or what you think i need to change or if you have ideas fro my next fanfic that'd be great. i'm working on another one right now. once i get it typed i'll post it.

Stay weird,
Hey! i got the page up! go check it out! mine and other's fanfictions will be poseted! WAHOO!! M A GENUIUS!!!!
OK so you know how the next book we thought it was gonna be called The End... duhn...
ya turns out it might be called Iggy. i still think he just ran out of names for the books so just started calling them after the characters. there better not be one called Dylan. i will flip
Dylan:-still tied to the electric chair- i can hear you know
Me: ya. i know -smiles- -kisses fang-
Fang:i still hate you Dylan
Dylan: i get it! stop freaking telling me every ten seconds!
Me:-her and fang snicker-
(doubled over laughing)Hey its emma ag-again(cracks up, wipes a fake tear out from under her eye) just... just give me a second(her, Fang, and Dylan start literally rolling on the floor laughing)
Dylan:(gets a little a hold of himself)oh my gosh. go to the link below(starts cracking up and can't finish)
Fang:(says between laughing)start at 44:46(starts cracking up, hits Emma to continue)
Emma:(still rolling on the floor laughing)watch till the end! Peanut is the funniest thing u will ever see!!!!(can't breath, laughing too hard, can't see, crying because she's laughing too hard, can't talk cause... well you know)
link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPJ-RyiDdik

Emma:(lmao again) go to the link below and watch the bloopers!!!(falls on the floor laughing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t8QKX6gTTU
Its me again. make sure you check both emas blog and crazy bloggin frequently cuz we will have very important info on whats going on during schoolo. oh and we figured out what the nxt book is gonna be called: The End.
weird huh? oh well.keep checking up[ on the website during school and stay weird.
