OK so you know how the next book we thought it was gonna be called The End... duhn...
ya turns out it might be called Iggy. i still think he just ran out of names for the books so just started calling them after the characters. there better not be one called Dylan. i will flip
Dylan:-still tied to the electric chair- i can hear you know
Me: ya. i know -smiles- -kisses fang-
Fang:i still hate you Dylan
Dylan: i get it! stop freaking telling me every ten seconds!
Me:-her and fang snicker-
Its me again. make sure you check both emas blog and crazy bloggin frequently cuz we will have very important info on whats going on during schoolo. oh and we figured out what the nxt book is gonna be called: The End.
weird huh? oh well.keep checking up[ on the website during school and stay weird.

By the way I just realized that song is AWESOME theme music for running out of school. Also tomorrow is the last day of school!!!WHOOO!!! Here comes sleeping in late, messing around all day, and POOL TIME PEOPLE! excuse me now, I think I might explode now.
Summer is here so let's...................................................................................................
PS- here's that theme music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQkU6fHP0fM
and this is MAX??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXWDaYgycUw